Well-trained & experienced Legal Videographers using professional grade equipment are key to creating a quality product that looks and sounds natural. Good video and audio is rarely noticed, while poor video and/or audio distracts the viewer (juror) from what is actually being said, and the way it's being presented. In order to assure the highest quality, Court Videographer Services employs only videogaphers certified by the National Court Reporters Association and uses state-of-the-art equipment such as:
- Panasonic & Sony 3-chip Digital Cameras
- Sony ECM-55 Microphones
- Shure Intellimix Audio Mixers
With the right professionals using the right equipment, you are assured that the medium will not take away from the message.
Your video deposition should look like a TV news interview, not a home movie, and with Court Videographer Services, that is just what you'll get.